about らぼっち

” To make your life in Japan more comfortable. “

らぼっち is managed by Japanese (mainly Japanese teachers) to support foreigners living in Japan to lead their lives in Japan  more happily and comfortably.

Normal activities such as looking for an apartment to live, going out for grocery shopping, or trying to get a job, could be quite different and difficult when you are living abroad.

But you could solve a lot of things if you understand Japanese.
So our site is going to introduce you many ways and useful information for you from the point of view of how to master Japanese in the shortest possible period of time.

But there are issues you cannot solve even if you can handle language, such as troubles with people based on the difference of culture and customs, kids’ education, their identity problem because of the different countries where their parents are from, etc.  

We wish to show you ways to solve these problems through exchanging wide range of opinions.

We are aiming for making this site for non Japanese people to solve various sorts problems by support and teach each other.




けれど、日本語ができるだけでは済まない問題もあります。文化の違い、習慣の違 いからくる人間関係のトラブルや子供の教育の問題、両親の出身国の違いがもたら す子供のアイデンティティーの問題など、幅広い意見交換を通じて解決への糸口が 見出せたらいいと思います。

外国の人たちにとっての日本での様々な問題を解するために助け合ったり教えあっ たりできるアットホームなサイトにしていきたいと思っています。

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